Having a number of expectations from others such as friends, siblings, parents, colleagues and others is not something new for me. I have been brought up that way. Having great expectations sounds great however when the expectation is unfulfilled, I become disappointed. This is a common problem for many.
For example say, if I expect you to do a thing in a certain way and the concerned person doesn't show up that way for me, I will most likely be disappointed. Another disappointing thing about expectations is that they often do not come true. Most of the time, a person is not aware of the expectations one is having from him or her. Expectations are in the eye of the beholder. Can you see the problem?
Never give yourself away in any type of relationship. By "give yourself away," I mean making sacrifices that conflict with what you need from out of that relationship. Never sacrifice your own personal integrity with regard to getting your needs met. The healthier image you have of yourself, the less likely this will occur.
Needs must be communicated and that too in a direct mode. Expectations are rarely ever communicated. Once you make the other people realize your expectations, things can be better in life. I think this is the only way to have healthy relationships.
In my opinion, unfulfilled expectations always cause problems. Try this: "No expectations, fewer disappointments!" It's that simple. Not easy. Simple.