When I spoke to her I could feel the warmth of her loving words, her enticing voice and the love and care she have for me. It wasn't as if spoke to her at length but our short conversation has undoubtedly left an impression in my mind. The feel good factor certainly made its presence felt. Here a big role is played by the words she and I used while communicating with each other.
Our elders have always advised us to use words judiciously. Words which work wonder at very place need some careful placement. But the flip side is if used unnecessary or in excess brings unwanted sorrow. In this mechanical world where we all are rushing a few loving words gives great consequences. An enthusiastic pat, a loving gesture, a warm hug, a benevolent smile indeed does make a difference. Mellowing down even the harshest words helps any fragile relationship turn into rock solid.
At this moment, some words of a famous band are striking my mind, - “it’s only words and words are all I have to take your heart away". And the deep meaning of these words is so true. Try it... The words you use to express yourself say more about you than you think. In fact, your vocabulary and the use of appropriate words say more about you than the message you are trying communicate. You are judged by the words you use.
My English teacher in school used to tell us that “words are not just sounds that we make, or inanimate objects to toss around, but words carry emotions, memories and evoke feelings. Before uttering a word, it’s important to question every word that er use and how someone can interpret them.” Today, I have really understood the meaning behind it.
So, remember it’s all in words and so use it in a precise manner.