Today, when I called up my father at home, he sounded a bit frustrated. The reason being the rainy days which has been happening for the last one week. Needless to say it didn't make me happy...as here in Delhi I wish the weather would have been the same. Making a grumpy face and cursing the hot weather of Delhi, I started for the day.
Memories of rainy days of my childhood are close to my heart. Rain in Assam means heavy downpour, hailstorm, water drenched roads, and a pleasant temperature. Rain reminds me of so many things especially of the hailstorms. When I was small, I used to collect hailstorms whenever there used to be one. It was sheer excitement for me and my younger sisters to collect and play with them. We used to collect those and throw at each other and simply loves the way it used to melt down in our small hands. My mother never used to stop us and today I realize how much fun it was. Well, how can I forget the hot delicacies that my mother used to prepare only during the rainy days. One of my favorites were the hot “PAKODAS”.
Nowadays I look forward for a day when I can open the window to feel a few drops of rain on my hand. Or can go in the market with my best friend under one single umbrella, quarreling half the time to prevent our self from getting drenched. And those colorful and stylish umbrellas.........which you simply can't find in the whole of Delhi. Every year, I used to buy a new umbrella in a more vibrant color and more stylish then the current one.
I really wonder if I will still enjoy the rainy days, but my love for rain has surely undergone a change.